Under perioden 23 mars – 22 april visar Galerie Forsblom i Stockholm en minnesutställning kring Tuija Lindströms arbete. Utställningen tar avstamp i hennes intresse för det semiotiska bildspråket och innehåller verk från olika perioder i hennes konstnärsskap och är ett samarbete mellan galleriet och Föreningen Tuija Lindström. Vernissage 22 mars kl 17–19.

Läs mer om utställningen på Galerie Forsbloms hemsida.

Photography & Feminist Agency: A Symposium in Memory of Tuija Lindström

Tuija Lindström (1950-2017) played a pivotal role in Swedish photography during the 1990s - a time when new critical perspectives and practises were introduced. She was appointed professor at the Photography School in Gothenburg 1992 and became the first woman in that position. It was a field dominated by men, and where ideas and ideals about masculinity defined the identity of the photographer. Through her own artistic practice and her position as professor and teacher she contributed strongly to redefining and moving the photographic scene in a postmodern direction. This shift was to a large extent influenced by feminist theories and practices, and Tuija Lindström became an import role model and inspiration for coming generations of photographers.

The symposium will highlight Tuija Lindström's work and the historical context of the 1990s. It also has a forward looking approach and the discussion will focus on what the important and critical questions are today, and how to act to make a difference. The keynote speakers are: photographer and artist Elina Brotherus (Finland/France), curator and activist Giulia Casalini (Italy/UK) and artist, model and photographer Arvida Byström (Sweden/USA).
